Thursday 4 February 2010

Sherlock Holmes website

• Consider carefully the repetition of the words ‘legendary’ (used twice) and ‘new’ (used three
times) in the synopsis. What do you think might be the filmmakers’ intention in putting together
these two seemingly opposing ideas?
By using these words the film can reach out to many different types of audeicnes. By using the word 'legendary', the film can reach out to people that can remember Sherlock Holmes from decades ago, via books and television series. It can re-kindle their love for the character and make them want to go and see the film. On the other hand, the word 'new' is used because this reaches out to new audiences and people that may not neccessarily be familiar with the character, it's showing that the new film is updated and not old-fashioned, attracting the modern audience and ultimately make the film more successful.

• Can you think of any new film portrayals of legendary figures?
Batman; the dark knight

• Look back at your ideas on genre from your work on the trailer. Does the synopsis confirm
some of your ideas about the genre of the film? How?
Action filled, modern, updated

• Notice the order in which the actors are listed in the synopsis. How do you think this order is
decided upon?
People that will pull in the office box ratings, people that have been successful films previously, actors that have filmed column inches in the past regardless of what for and actors that play bigger parts will go nearer the top

• Who do you think might usually read a film synopsis? Where else in the media could you find a
synopsis of a film? Have you ever read this section of a film website before? Would you use a
synopsis like this to decide whether or not to see a film? Explain your reasons.
The type of people that would read a film synopsis would be people that were interested in the films release and were awaiting it. Potential film critics and people that have seen the trailer on television and want to find out more about the film.
You can find other synopsis' in newspapers and magazines

What do you think is the purpose of this content on the website?
To inform the market and audience and to give further insight into the film and the story and plot.

• Where else have you heard the word GALLERY? In what ways are the images in this
gallery similar or different from images you may have seen in other types of galleries?
The word gallery can be used to explain somewhere where someones art work is presented in a room where people can come and view it.

• Why do you think there is more than one POSTER to promote this film?
It can attract different people to the film. For example, having a female in one poster can attract men, as she is attractive and looks seductive. On the other hand, the main character, Robert Downey Jr, will attract all types of people, men for the 'adventure' and women for the 'cheeky' look he posseses.

• Which type of people do you think the DOWNLOAD section is aimed at? Think about
the age, gender and interests of the people most likely to use this function, keeping the
content of the DOWNLOAD section in mind.
The download section can be aimed at people like 'film buffs' and young people that change their screensaver or desktop wallpaper regularly. Mostly young people would download things, as they use the internet more, specifically males. They are more likely to be interested and take an active role in the film.

• Do you think these three sections are all aimed at the same type of people? Explain your
These 3 sections are generally aimed at the same people, but can slightly change. People that use the download section are more likely to be into computers and graphics etc. Overall, all the people that use the sections are taking an active role in learning more about the film and are clearly interested in the content of the film.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Film Posters

My poster is for the film 'The Butterfly effect'. It is a taster poster and doesn't give a lot of information away about the film. I have based my idea on a advertising poster for an Alfred Hitchcock museum showing, as you can see below. As the photograph of a female that I used has a film noir feel to it, this is why I decided to base it around Alfred Hitchcock.
Putting a 'spin' on the poster, I used a photoshop brush of butterflies and repeatedly stamped it to create this effect. I chose to put the name of film in red, which stands out from the rest of the poster, it catches peoples eye and is the first thing you see when you look at it. Red can connote danger and blood which gives the poster a 'spooky' feel. The black and white poster makes it seem almost mysterious and the butterfly brush links with the name of the film. The photograph of the female at the bottom is quite intriguing and the expression on her face is half smiling and half 'mystery'. The clothes she's wearing and the heavy make-up connote film noir from the 1950's for example. There is no explanation for her being in the poster and so you are left wondering what part, if any, she has in the film. The poster is simple and does not give away any information, in a way it would make the consumer want to see the film more as they do not know what it's about. This would also prove more successful as if the poster had given a lot of information away people that aren't interested in that type of film wouldn't be drawn away because they do not yet know about the films plot and story line. The tag-line, 'Change one thing, change everything' is intriguing because it doesn't directly specify what it's talking about. Overall, the poster will draw in many people, purely out of interest because it doesn't give away too much interest. The different aspects of the poster, such as the black and white theme, the red font and the image of the female give the poster a suggestive and mysterious feel. I feel that this poster would be successful if released to the public.