Wednesday 20 January 2010

How does Disney represent reality?

Disney represents reality in many different ways. By using colourful and interesting characters in a story that ends in a moral or teach, it can educate children and others and teach them right and wrong. Disney tries (and most of the time acheives) to represent real life in a fun way that children and little ones may not be aware of, but they can understand the underlining moral in the story. The company can use enchanted or made up characters such as the 'evil witch' in snow white, the film makes it clear who is the 'goodie' and the 'baddie' and helps children differentiate between right and wrong.
Disney is not always representative of real life and can sometimes be exaggerated, for example, In the majority of films, a woman finds their 'true love' and live happily ever after, however some think that this can lead children into thinking that live will be like a fairytale when the reality is that it's not. Also, for example in Beauty and the Beast,
Belle's father, for example, breaks into someone house, steals from them, and then agrees to trade his daughter for his freedom. Even though he regrets it and returns with an angry mob later in the film, this can hardly be considered "good parenting".

Disney don't try and take this too seriously and always put a lighthearted spin on things.

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